Wednesday, August 17, 2011


In a few days we'll be heading out on another RV trip, this time to the middle.  The middle of the country that is, somewhere we've passed through, but spent little time.  The plan goes something like this....first to the Eastern Sierras for a week or so to do some hiking.  After that we'll make a right turn and head east across Nevada and Utah towards Colorado.  We've been to the southern part of the state on several occasions, but never Central or Northern Colorado.  Next up will be the Mid-West, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa and Missouri, before turning south towards Mississippi and Arkansas.  We'll then turn towards the West and visit Oklahoma and Texas before heading home.

Some have asked, why in the world would we want to go out in the plains?  It's just a big flat nothing.  Well, we don't think so.  We'll travel on the secondary roads as much as possible and avoid the interstates.  It's my guess we'll find plenty of interesting places.  We should be home sometime in November, unless of course we run out of money before then.  As is our custom, we reserve the right to change our plans at anytime, staying longer in places we like and leaving those we don't.  I'll be blogging along the way, so say tuned.


Nick Saraceni said...

Awesome...I am jeolous. You guys are very lucky to have so much freedom.

Ken said...

We have been to South Dakota and the 'badlands' are something special. We have friends in Sioux Falls who we haven't seen for a few years, maybe you could say hi to them for us !!! Have a good trip. Ken & Linda, Carlux, France.