Sunday, October 06, 2024


 We continued southeastward still sticking to Blue Highways, passing through many small towns and staying in government campgrounds.  In the small town of  Keosauqua, say that three times fast, we stayed in a beautiful state park of the same name.  The towns population is less than a thousand souls and at lest some of it’s livelihood comes from supporting folks who canoe the Des Moines River  The town derives it’s name from the Meskwaki and Sauk Indians, meaning, bend in the river. Being right on the river an early morning sunrise walk was in store.  Heavily wooded, most of the views were restricted but I did manage to see the sunrise. Still beautiful made all the more enjoyable with numerous deer scurrying away upon my approach.

Continuing on we reached the Mississippi River in the town of Canton Missouri. Here we managed to snag a spot in a city park which is situated on a narrow strip between the river and the railroad.  The best of both worlds, watching river barges entering and exiting the locks and trains going by right behind the RV.  Who could ask for anything more.  Most of the barge tows comprise of 15 barges, three abreast pushed by a powerful tug.  The locks can accommodate the width of the three barges, but the 15 barge length is too long to fit.  The group is split and sent through in two sections, which takes time.  At times they line up waiting for their turn through.

                                                             A MISSISSIPPI RIVER SUNRISE

After a couple of days we moved on crossing the river into Illinois, stopping in Springfield to explore the State Capital.  It is our practice to visit the capital in states we pass through, taking in the capital building and other historic sites.  Being the Land of Lincoln, Illinois and its capital is full of sites relating to President Lincoln.  His home, THE LINCOLN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSUEM  are within walking distance of each other.  The Library just had a few displays, but the museum was very well done.   His HOME has been restored and much of the furniture inside belonged to him.  Operated by the National Parks, you can take a guided tour which is free as required by Lincoln’s son when he donated the house to the government.  The four square blocks around the house have been purchased by the Park Service and the homes and buildings have been restored.  Many are open for you to explore on your own, with docents available to answer your questions.  We were disappointed that we were unable to tour the capital building as it was undergoing major restoration project.

Heading south we crossed the Ohio River at Paducah, Kentucky.  If we had known about the Brookport Bridge, we would have jumped on the interstate to cross the river, but we didn’t know until it was too late.  So we’re going along fat, dumb and happy when we come to bridge,  It was appropriately painted blue as a blue highway crosses it.  After entering the steep approach to the bridge, Cathie says, “Did you see that sign back there? It says the hight restriction is 9”6’!”  Nah, that can’t be right, must be the width.  We are 11’7” high, but it had to the reference to the width.  The bridge is a steel deck bridge which what wet because of the rain. That made it very slippery, spinning the tires up the steel ramp and a little bit of fishtailing.  That will get your attention when pulling a trailer.  Not fun.  Turns out the height is higher than 9”6’, the sign is meant to keep semi-trucks off the bridge.  It didn’t refer to the width either as the width restriction was 8 feet.  We’re having fun now!  It was a white knuckle E-ticket ride with a high pucker value.  Just shy of a mile in length our hearts were pounding and we breathed a huge sigh of relief having made it.  I would do it again in a car, but never with a trailer.  That’s why it’s called Gassaway’s Adventures.


Next up, Kentucky and Tennessee 

1 comment:

Gwen Plano said...

Fascinating documentary of your journey. We lived in Missouri for 8 years and crossed the Mississippi several times. Great photos!