Dear Dana,
I’m writing to you on behalf of Mayor Cox regarding your email. I viewed your blog and provided the information to our Public Works Department. Public Works let me know staff would review the general area of the bikeway path and get back to me with more information. I’ll let you know once I hear back from Public Works.
Additionally, constituents can report this type of information on the City’s website on the Public Works page. The online report form automatically goes to Public Works and generates a work order request and will provide you with a reporting confirmation number. Here is the link to the information.
Lastly, due to budget restraints and cuts, the city no longer has a dedicated crew to assist with frequent removal of litter and debris. However, we have several committed volunteer groups who assist with litter and trash clean up and graffiti removal. I’ve asked that the bikeway path area be added to our volunteer group’s locations to check on and clean. If you’re interested in joining the volunteer effort to keep our community clean, please let me know and I can get you in touch with our volunteer coordinator.
Jennifer Quijano
Constituent Services Manager
Office of Mayor Cheryl Cox
City of Chula Vista
So, here's what has happened so far:
The furniture has been picked up, both items on the same day, but for some reason the mirror was still there. Then a couple of days later the mirror was gone.
After several more days these two mattresses were picked up.
This junk is still there, within sight of the two mattreses that were picked up.
You can tell they are thinking about the tree stumps as one has been dragged closer to the other.
So what gives? So far it's taken three trips to pick up some of the stuff, but there's still more. Perhaps the city would have more in the budget for trash pick up if they just scheduled one day to go out and get this junk rather that spreading out their effort over several weeks.
I might add that just across the road from the stumps, another idiot dumped a hot water heater. Two days later, the heater has been removed, but all the insulation that was around the tank is now spread along side the road.
So here's how I score it so far:
They get a "C" for trash pick up
They get an "F" for wasting city resorces, three trips when one should have done it.