I must admit that I have been neglecting the blog, but with the move to Arizona we haven't been sitting on our hands. We're getting settled in and learning how to navigate our new town. Our house had no major issues with the exception to a damaged roof and air-conditioners due to a massive hail storm which passed through the neighborhood. Many of the homes nearby also received extensive hail damage. Luckily this all occurred before we bought the house and the old owner's insurance paid for a new roof on the house, a new metal roof on the garage, a new roof on the storage shed, and two new rooftop air-conditioners/heating units. The home inspection showed no major problems and the well inspection indicates that we have a good well.
The biggest hassle was the move it's self. Although we did get rid of some stuff, we still moved a huge amount of furniture and just stuff you don't want to throw away. It was a logistical nightmare. Our son Gary and I packed up and moved all my shop tools and stuff and put in in storage in Prescott. We were lucky enough to find a moving guy who specializes in moving people from California to Arizona. He's been busy. So he did all the heavy lifting, but we, Cathie mostly, boxed up all the small stuff and wrapping breakables in bubble wrap. We used a whole lot of bubble wrap. Should have bought stock. So on the appointed day and time (8 am), the moving guy, Tab, shows up with two big trucks and 4 guys and begins loading. They finish loading about 9pm and head out to Arizona. We take one last look around the house that we had lived in for 47 years. Our home that we raised our family and had many good times and family celebrations and walked away.
The next morning we met up with Tab and his crew at the storage facility we had rented and somehow he got everything into our unit. We had a smaller storage unit that we filled with fragile things we brought over ourselves. Now it was time to find a new home. While searching, we stayed in the RV at a local RV park which was filled to capacity with mostly Californians looking for a new home or waiting for theirs to get built. There were so many people moving to the Prescott area, that it was difficult to find temporary housing or places to park your RV. With storage units you had to get on a waiting list before you could snag one. But, we managed and after about 5 weeks we found our home. Once escrow closed, the second move began. We called Tab, but he we too busy moving more Californians and couldn't help us. But we did manage to find a local guy and crew who moved everything into the house and placed the furniture were we directed. I must say that I don't ever want to do that again. Selling of the house, moving all our belongings, finding a new house and moving everything for a second time, was one of, if not, the most stressful things I ever did. The last time we moved in 1975 it took two pick-up trucks and a couple of friends.

There are a whole lot of pluses in our new home and the surrounding area. First is the house doesn't need anything fixed. Everything works (so far) and is in good to excellent condition. Except for replacing carpet and paint in two of the bathrooms, we just had to unpack and hang pictures. We've got an acre of land, so our neighbors aren't on top of us. Speaking of neighbors, so far of the ones we met, seem like nice folks with the same conservative views as us. One standout is Dan and Martha, who after meeting us gave us a house warming gift of a bottle of Irish Cream, which I love, and got hooked again. Of all the neighbors we've met, they seem to be grateful that we're the ones that bought this house. It seems that the previous owner was, shall we say to put it mildly, a bit different. Another plus to our new home is the view of Granite Mountain from the front porch. A great place to enjoy lunch or happy hour.
I've been exploring some of the hiking trails around here and there are many. The Prescott Parks Department maintains numerous walking paths a trails all over the city. The main focus is around the Prescott Lakes, Willow and Watson. With marked trails around the lakes and in the
Granite Dells, a huge jumble for granite consisting of huge boulders and rock formations, there are ample of places to enjoy the scenery. In addition to the City Parks, Prescott is surrounded by the Prescott National Forest, with hiking and camping opportunities galore. In fact a stones throw from out house is a National Forest Trailhead leading to protected wilderness. I've been hiking there and exploring different trails.
There are many great restaurants in the area, especially in the old part of the city. I don't know if we're gonna be able to visit all of them, but we're trying. There's also plenty other things to enjoy in Prescott. In the summer time weekly concerts at the Courthouse Square, the old historic
Elks Theater where one can see old movies and plays. The local collage
Yavapai Collage Performing Arts Theater with plays and music. Several museums in the area. Anyway you get the picture, there's plenty to do. On top of that, there's the whole state of Arizona to explore. Of course we've been to Arizona many times, but we've only scratched the surface. There's a whole lot to see in our new state.
Before I close this entry, I wanted to thank several people who moved to Prescott before us and who gave us a wealth of information about our new hometown. Craig and Shelley, Vern and Sonia, Jane and John. We made advance trips to Prescott and meet with these friends who provided us with some local knowledge about Prescott. I also wanted to acknowledge new friends we met in the RV park. Everyone in the picture has moved from somewhere else an plane to make Prescott their new home.
Happy Hour
So, if you're in the neighborhood, stop in and stay a while. We've got extra bedrooms and a small studio apartment attached to the garage. If you really can't wait to see us, we're having an open on December 4th, drop me a line and I'll give you the details.
1 comment:
Godspeed !
When you least expect I´ll be knocking on your door !
You should be thankful that I cannot do this, otherwise I would !!
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